Landscape protected landscape or assaulted? The forest of Monteferro, Salvemos Monteferro presents new complaint with massive and illegal felling of trees: P> The Xunta and the City paralyze the work But it took 36 days to do so: 36 days in which the logging continued at a hectic pace, taking With or without protected landscapes, anything goes for cutting trees in the bush: the illegality, the legality of manga too broad and even poorly enforced laws. But the result is always the same: deforestation. Witnessing these days to a new episode of the death prophesied: logging kills rasa in two huge bands and a lot of forest roads converted into real highways, in violation totally (and again) protection that dictate to the Monteferro Rules Subsidiaries Nigrán . For too many days we had to see the funeral procession of big trucks carrying logs of the top of a mountain pine shattered ... And this was still going on five weeks after that SALVEMOS MONTEFERRO has submitted a corresponding complaint . Given our insistence on Thursday, 11 days since the council told us that had paralyzed Rural logging ... But the 15, Monday, we had to go back to complain that the chainsaws were still working. And the 16 also. Until the day 17 not silence returned to the mountain. It is a sad chapter in the road that leads to the consummation of that macabre prophecy, issued three years ago. 1. Prophecy
So then I said the prophet ... and so is being met. 2. ALLEGATIONS But SALVEMOS MONTEFERRO does not believe in prophets or prophecies. We have submitted numerous complaints on this subject (old and new) to the municipality of Lanark and the Delegation of Rural Environment. They include a (presented at a time from the two institutions) and warned that foresaw what was coming. A complaint preventive and antiprofética. Is dated last year and started saying well:
More forthcoming in time is this other, presented at the Town Hall with check-Nigrán No 1992/2008. she managed to stop the first attack:
3. THE FACTS Now, in the latest collision of these actions pirates tried to disguise with a new law suit illegality. For the disguise used Law No. 3 / 2007 of April 9, prevention and protection against forest fires in Galicia.
The "action" on the roads and forest tracks asked permission, and also grant to deal with forest tracks in accordance with the provision of Article 21, paragraph 1, letter d of this legislation, which states: " In the case of track and forest roads, management of plant biomass will be done in the shrub layer and shrub, within two meters from the outer edge of the path or road ". (We emphasize: Just shrub layer and shrub - and kill bushes, trees under any circumstances - and the two meters from the edge of the track). And without further ado, began to raze the entire Arbora he was three, four and up to six meters from the roads. Good Business: wood to sell and also grant to collect .. Much of the looting was done when our complaint was filed at City Hall , in those 36 days in which the municipal and looked for Rural other side. In that complaint explained clearly the illegality of these actions, which violate the provisions for Monteferro in Standards Subsidiaries . Specifically this point: "He settlement of the roads and footpaths, the delimitation of viewpoints, etc, will be as brief as possible." Read the complaint In the photos one of the tracks "treated" The most "brief as possible" strong> would undoubtedly have done what the rule imposes: clearing bushes and kill without cutting any tree. aimed
A clearly there is gravely violated the law. clicking on the plane to the left you can see the network of tracks and paths of Mt. If all suffering the devastating actions already suffered many of them, would be only small islands of trees as a souvenir of which only four years ago was a dense forest. The logging to kill rasa The logging to kill rasa (cut around the trees in an area without leaving a copy in the feet) are among the most desirable to delight the palate of those cooks. The have prepared a thousand ways, all succulents for them. In this latest snack could not miss such exquisite specialty, I recall once more, Monteferro is explicitly prohibited by the Standards Subsidiaries . Logging perimeter of the northeastern edge of Mount commune (about 5 hectares, to kill rasa and therefore illegal) is not in any way justified by the Act 3 / 2007 . In this strip (marked in red on the plane) there is no housing next one, so that the law is by no means applicable to this area and now razed. Believe the correct logging in the southeastern perimeter (marked in green), because there are houses to protect them according to this law. Fields marked in blue are for new firewall that also involve logging kills rasa. It is evident that after all these actions there will be another mountain in the world as protected as the fires Monteferro. If at the end is something that can burn, of course. strong> 4. OUR CONCLUSIONS The events of recent weeks in Monteferro are of a gravity comparable only to those already three years ago , Which signified the birth of this group that bears his name. In recent days we presented new complaints to several institutions. And also in the SEPRONA, with particular here in these 36 days have elapsed since the submission of our complaint until Xunta and City Council decided to stop the disaster. Five weeks of trees cut for the final give us the reason. Illegal logging of hundreds, perhaps thousands of trees in a protected space, without proper control over who has to exercise it without the necessary permits who must ask, constitutes, without doubt, a crime against the environment . It's raining on wet and it is time to refine the responsibilities are. As we say in this complaint with the Civil Guard "That will open an investigation to determine who is the responsibility of all these actions, whether that corresponding to the Community Forestry, author of the logging equipment, like that of the authorized, if it had been the case, or those not having prevented a duty to do so ". That is the way in which we are now, 5. LANDSCAPE PROTECTED Going how things are going and knowing the slowness of the administration (and the high speed of other elements), opened here to participate in the choice of "protected landscape" Monteferro when we will have to auction procedures for the entry into force of that figure for protection. Behold two models to choose from: Option 1: Beach Option 2: Mountain |
Current Reviews
11 comments so far (put your own)Pareceme incrible!!!! non o pode crer, xusto fai tres dias q pasei polo monte e vino todo asi, e pensei que non podia estar pasando outra vez..
Isto é unha autentica vergoña, pareceme abraiante o que estan a facer, e sobretodo, os comentarios de Alejos parecen de risa. Eu se fora el sentiriame avergoñado. Solo lle falta comentar que as talas de árbores e debido a que estamos en época de crisis, e para min que se lle pasou pola cachola.
Que impotencia, sempre acaban por facer o que se lle ven en gana.
Author: Laura Tuesday, 23.12.08 @ 06:14am | #49
Estou moi impresionada por todo isto, pero a fin de contas, ¿qué podemos facer os veciños, os que non temos poder?
Non é unha pregunta retórica, en serio, ¿qué podo facer eu? SÃntome impotente.
Author: Amalia Tuesday, 23.12.08 @ 06:48am | #50
Podemos facer moito máis do que cremos e do que cren.En Salvemos Monteferro e en tantas outras batallas en defensa do territorio nunca sobran mans que traballen, bocas que falen e cocos que pensen.Xúntate a nós.Serás benvida e a túa aportación por pequena que sexa será de gran axuda.
Author: Moura Sunday, 4.01.09 @ 07:57am | #51
As declaracións de Alejos, presidente da Comunidade de Montes de Monteferro no Faro de vigo e na Voz de Galicia o dÃa 11/01/2009, demuestran unha total falta de educación.
Leo sempre esta web e nunca lein insultos hacia esa persóa, mais ben discrepancias coa sua gestión, pero sempre desde a educación e o respeto.
Os insultos de este personaxe, desacredÃtano como Presidente. Pódese discrepar, pero sempre desde o respeto.
Felicidades a Salvemos Monteferro pola sua forma de ser e de entender as cousas. Estou con vos e adiante.
Author: Tamara Thursday, 15.01.09 @ 14:00pm | #52
Como visitante ocasional de la zona me pareció desolador el panorama que me encontré el paso fin de semana en Monteferro. La apariencia es de un monte sucio y devastado, con claros signos de que se persigue la deforestación. La indiferencia ante el deterioro provocado de lo que deberÃa aprovecharse como el tesoro natural de Nigrán, incluso como reclamo turÃstico, dice mucho de las autoridades. Impotencia y vergüenza ajena.
Author: Beatriz Monday, 19.01.09 @ 08:42am | #53
Monteferro é moito máis que unha propiedade privada. Moito máis que unha coleción de árboles para talar, máis que unha escultura a mariña, máis que unha aula da natureza e máis que todolos valores que atesora.
Monteferro é sagrado dende o meu valor sentimental e cónstame que non son único. Unha proba é esta web. Procurar que ese valor o disfruten os nosos fillos, non é só a nosa obriga para con eles, é a nosa obriga para os nosos veciños, para o noso pobo, para o noso mundo.
Vos, propietarios e administración, ¿non entendedes esto? Os árboles non vos deixan ver os verdadeiros valores, o mar, o sol, a vida, o aire, a paz. Estades cegos.
Author: Estanislao Monday, 26.01.09 @ 03:23am | #54
Onte, domingo, fun pasear por Monteferro. O que contades aquà queda pequeno cando se vai alá. Todas as zonas que visitei están marcadas pola devastación. Que pretende esta xente? Que fan (ou que non fan) as "autoridades"?
O que se está facendo é destruir o monte, arrasar os poucos pinos que quedan e deixalo todo para acacias, eucaliptos e deserto.
Que paisaxe quedará logo para ser protexida?
Gracias polo voso traballo: sodes a última esperanza de salvación dese monte máxico ante as continuas oleadas de barbarie.
Author: Xosé Manuel Monday, 2.02.09 @ 05:53am | #55
El 1 de diciembre de 2008, ante las talas que estaban cometiendo en los lindes de los caminos de Monteferro, decidàllamar al ayto. de Nigrán para denunciarlo. Me tuvieron 20 minutos esperando hasta que me pasaron con el técnico de medio ambiente, de cuyo nombre no puedo ni quiero acordarme. De muy buenas maneras me explicó que las talas las habÃÂa autorizado la Xunta de Galicia, 5 metros a cada lado de los caminos (desproporcionado para las dimensones de Monteferro)y con función de cortafuegos. Sobre las talas, comentó que sólo estaban autorizadas unas cuantas y muy controladas, y que además ellos velaban por garantizar la repoblación de algunos terrenos con especies autóctonas porque en palabras suyas, los eucaliptos y pinos actuales son una porquerÃÂa que nadie quiere (increÃÂble que prefiera el desierto actual). En fin, que espero que poco a poco la gente tome conciencia, ya que los técnicos son incompetentes y los polÃÂticos, por el mero hecho de serlo, son sinvergüenzas, prepotentes y amantes de sus sueldos y comisiones.
Author: Gorka Monday, 2.02.09 @ 06:39am | #56
Non vos cansedes nunca. Seguide asÃ, sodes a única esperanza para Monteferro.
O do cortafogos non hai por onde collelo. A lei dice que o cortafogos é para salvar as vivemdas, pero éstes deixan terreos forestales e privados entre o cortafogos e as vivendas. Non e máis que una tala ilegal.
Animo, estamos con vos.
Pola miña parte levarán unha sorpresa nas urnas.
Author: Pepe Cañas Tuesday, 3.02.09 @ 04:48am | #57
No estais solos. Somos muchos los que llevamos Monteferro muy adentro. Animo.
Tiene razón Pepe Cañas, las urnas es lo único que entienden. Siempre he votado izquierdas, pero yo también les daré una sorpresa
Author: Luisa Wednesday, 4.02.09 @ 05:08am | #58
Estamos atentos. No permitiremos que acaben con el monte. Si hay que volver a salir a la calle allà estaremos.
Fuerza y adelante
Author: Federico Mira Saturday, 28.02.09 @ 00:55am | #59